The Meghraj family is committed to contributing to society in the tradition taught to us by our Founder. We are involved in various philanthropic initiatives, both through work done directly by the family’s foundations, the Meghraj Charitable Foundation and the M. P. Shah Charitable Foundation and also through other independent charities that we actively support.

The objectives of the family’s Foundations are to support initiatives in:
- Education
- Healthcare
- Welfare
We prefer to work on projects that have:
- A lasting, sustainable impact
- Scalability to ensure a widespread and growing impact
- A significant leverage effect so the impact of each donation can be multiplied throughout the local community and beyond
Our foundations primarily support projects whose focus is on:
- India (especially Gujarat and Mumbai)
- Kenya
- British Isles
Anant Shah has written about the family’s history and charitable work in “Familia”. The article can be downloaded here: Familia Issue 3